Welcome to Day 3!
If and when you join us at one of our camps, we invite local elders to join us and tell us stories around the fire. for this online program, your computer is the fire and other students are sharing the same stories at their computers around the world joining you in a circle. At our camps in Cowichan, BC, we have been fortunate to have Cowichan Elder, Tousilum join us once or twice…..
The circle begins with giving thanks. It’s the same in so many traditional cultures…
In our modern culture, there is a way to bring back this tradition in our own way…
Today when you go to your sit spot, we are going to add one more sense ‘skill’ to the ‘fox walking’ and ‘wide angle vision’ that were introduced on day 2. As you continue to exercise your senses, your sit spot experience and your whole life will benefit from the increased level of awareness.
Dog Ears…. with Josh Hamlin of ‘Primitive Living Skills’…
Instead of going straight to your sit spot today, try going ‘toward’ your sit spot. In other words head out with the mind of a small child. Fox walking, using wide angle vision and following interesting sounds with your ‘dog ears’, give yourself the time to wander, notice, appreciate and question whatever catches your attention. When you get to your ‘sit spot’, just like on day 2, spend 5 minutes facing each of the four directions. Today, though, notice which direction and which plant or tree landmark catches your attention the most. Spend more time exploring this direction with all your senses. If possible head over and touch and smell and look at your tree or plant from varying perspectives. Notice what you have learned about it and what questions you have.
When you return to your desk and computer, blog about your plant or tree and your sit spot experience today. Was it any different? Did you slow down? Was it easy or challenging to wander in a timeless manner forgetting about a destination?
Here is a story from Jon Young, our Mentor and founder of the ‘eight shields mentoring model’ to end your day….
Goodnight, and see you on day 4…