Day 6

Welcome to Day 6!


Today we are going to focus in on looking at mammal tracks. Tracking Mammals is something that humans have been doing for as long as we’ve been humans! It’s something that we evolved to do – hunting larger mammals and cooking and preserving the meat. Before you hunt a mammal, you first have to find it and that’s where tracking comes in.

Of course, most people today don’t hunt for their own meat and in this program we are not teaching you how to hunt! The only hunting we teach here is how to hunt with a camera – taking photos of wildlife.

To track is to be human, and tracking is something that has to be experienced to be enjoyed. It becomes more enjoyable the more knowledge and experience you have, and here on this online course we want you to gain some knowledge and inspiration and glean some information from the experience of others. Ultimately, though, the only way to track and to learn tracking is to take that knowledge and go out in nature. That’s where the real learning and fun will happen.

Learning tracking is like learning a new language. So first you have to learn the words, then the grammar and sentences, and at one point you will be able to read the most magnificent book ever written….the earth itself, with the story written by the life that lives here.

The way to start learning to track is to start with the ABC’s.

A great skill to practice is to watch animals walk. Dogs, cats, deer, humans. When you look at an animal track, you are looking at the mark that a live moving animal made. The track is the record of the animal’s movement and life. In the next video, tracker Bill Marple talks about the importance of watching animals move.

Before you head out toward your sit spot today looking for animal tracks, take a look at this video. It’s a news program on the Tracker Mike Kessler teaching tracking to a group of students. Whether you are 7 or 70, tracking with a childlike mind; the open mind of not knowing, is a great way to spend time in nature. And you will be amazed at how much you can learn.

Today we are going to ask you to head out toward your sit spot. Notice the difference between going ‘to’ your sit spot and going ‘toward’. Going toward means that your sit spot is your ultimate destination- so take a different route to get there and let your curiosity lead you. Hopefully you have lots of time as you could end up on a real tracking adventure. Bring your notebook, You may not see any clear footprints at all. Follow what catches your attention and you have your notebook to make sketches and notes of anything you may want to look up tomorrow.

If you have time after your adventure before you go to bed, here are a couple of interesting videos on the art of camouflage. Usually the best way to see animals is to be still and invisible. Here are some great skills to help you do that.

In the next video can you see the people?


Goodnight and see you on day 7

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